THAT Report No. PD-2022-0016 dated April 13, 2022, regarding the dedication of certain lands as part of the public highway system be received;
AND FURTHER THAT staff be authorized to bring forward a by-law to dedicate and formally name, the lands described as Part of Lot 18, Concession 8, shown as Part 10, on the draft reference plan prepared by Van Harten Surveying Inc. and dated April 14, 2022 (Project 28292-20), (hereinafter “the Halton Hills Drive Connection”), as part of the public highway system known as Halton Hills Drive;
AND FURTHER THAT staff be authorized to bring forward a by-law to: (1) change the street name of that section of the existing Halton Hills Drive described as Part of Lot 18, Concession 8, shown as Parts 2 and 5, 20R-9090, to be renamed Humberstone Drive; (2) dedicate the lands shown as Part 11, on the draft reference plan prepared by Van Harten Surveying Inc. and dated April 14, 2022 (Project 28292-20), as part of the public highway system such that it forms part of Humberstone Drive; and (3) dedicate Part 3, 20R-9090 to effectively lift the reserve and provide legal access from Halton Hills Drive to Humberstone Drive (hereinafter “the Humberstone Drive Extension”);
AND FURTHER THAT staff be authorized to bring forward a by-law to dedicate and formally name, the lands described as Part of Lot 18, Concession 8, shown as Part 15, on the draft reference plan prepared by Van Harten Surveying Inc. and dated April 15, 2022 (Project 28292-20), as part of the public highway system known as Windtree Way (hereinafter “Windtree Way Extension”).