THAT Report No. TPW-2022-0023, dated June 17, 2022, regarding Award of RFP P-037-22 Rehabilitation of Bridge #4, Fifth Line North of Steeles Avenue, be received;
AND FURTHER THAT Council approve the Design Services for Rehabilitation of Bridge #4, Fifth Line North of Steeles Avenue award to GHD Limited, 455 Phillip Street, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3X2, in the amount of $162,789.58 (plus HST);
AND FURTHER THAT the Senior Manager of Purchasing and Risk Management be authorized to issue a Purchase Order to GHD Limited, 455 Phillip Street, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3X2, in the amount of $162,789.58 (plus HST), for the Design Services for Rehabilitation of Bridge #4, Fifth Line North of Steeles Avenue Replacement;
AND FURTHER THAT Council approves the provisional award for Contract Administration and Inspection Services for the Rehabilitation of Bridge #4, Fifth Line North of Steeles Avenue to GHD Limited, 455 Phillip Street, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3X2,in the amount of $184,814.04 (plus HST). At the discretion of the Town, the Town may, if it so chooses, exercise the provisional award at the time of the Construction Tender Award;
AND FURTHER THAT the Senior Manager of Purchasing and Risk Management be authorized to issue a Purchase Order to GHD Limited, 455 Phillip Street, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3X2, in the amount of $184,814.04 (plus HST), for the purpose of provisional Contract Administration and Inspection Services for the Rehabilitation of Bridge #4, Fifth Line North of Steeles Avenue, if the Town decides to exercise this provisional item at the time of the Construction Tender Award;
AND FURTHER THAT Council authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to execute the necessary documents to enter into a Client/Engineering Agreement for Professional Consulting Services;
AND FURTHER THAT the project budget for 6200-26-2201 (Rehabilitation of Bridge #4, Fifth Line North of Steeles Avenue) be increased by $205,000 from $150,000 to $355,000 and that the additional funding requirement be financed as set out in report TPW-2022-0023.