Halton Hills Town Hall, Council Chambers
1 Halton Hills Drive

Town Council meetings are being conducted using a hybrid model where members of Council have the opportunity to participate in-person at Town Hall or electronically via Zoom.  At this time, members of the public are encouraged to continue to view the meeting by watching the live stream through the Town's Municipal Calendar webpage. Should you wish to delegate to a Council meeting, please complete the online delegation form no later than one business day before the meeting is to be held.

1:00 p.m.       Council Chambers



Confidential Verbal Update from Scott Knapman, President and CEO - Halton Hills Hydro


Verbal update from Scott Knapman, President and CEO - Halton Hills Hydro regarding a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial or financial information that belongs to the municipality or local board and has monetary value or potential monetary value. (HYDRO AGM)

Delegation to Appeal Council Decision with Respect to Report No. ADMIN-2024-009


Appeal Decision of Council with Respect to Report No. ADMIN-2024-009 dated April 18, 2024 regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board. (Refusal of Business Licence)

Confidential Verbal Update from Joey Vandermeer, Deputy Treasurer - Town of Halton Hills


Confidential Verbal Update regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. (Assessment Base Management)

REPORT NO. TPW-2024-017


TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS REPORT NO. TPW-2024-017 dated May 28, 2024 regarding the subject matter pertains to a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. (Land)

REPORT NO. PD-2024-014


PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT NO. PD-2024-014 dated June 21, 2024 regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board. (Heritage)

We would like to begin by acknowledging that the land on which we gather is part of the Treaty lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit.

CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT NO. CS-2024-011 dated June 17, 2024 regarding Operating Budget Status for the Year Ended December 31, 2023 and Projected Operating Deficit.

(Recommendation No. GC-2024-0076)

PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT NO. PD-2024-023 dated May 27, 2024 regarding Expropriation of Town-Owned Lands by Metrolinx to facilitate the GO Expansion Program.

(Recommendation No. GC-2024-0078)

​​PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT NO. PD-2024-048 dated June 5, 2024 regarding Official Plan Review Draft Terms of Reference​.

(Recommendation No. GC-2024-0084)

COMMUNITY SERVICES MEMORANDUM NO. CSE-2024-001 dated May 31, 2024 regarding Request for Expression of Interest for Indoor Air Supported Dome Providers: Results and Next Steps.

(Recommendation No. GC-2024-0088)

LIBRARY SERVICES MEMORANDUM NO. LIB-2024-001 dated May 31, 2024 regarding HHPL 2024 Summer Programming: Ingenium – Canada's Museums of Science and Innovation “Space to Spoon” Exhibit.

(Recommendation No. GC-2024-0089)


THAT Report No. CS-2024-020 dated July 8, 2024, regarding Reserves, Discretionary Reserve Funds, Obligatory Reserve Funds and Trust Funds as at December 31, 2023 be received for information.


THAT Report No. CS-2024-021 dated July 8, 2024, regarding the 2023 Treasurer’s Statement for development charges reserve funds, parkland: cash-in-lieu reserve fund, and community benefits charges reserve fund be received.


The purpose of Memorandum No. CSE-2024-002 is to provide Council with an overview of the 2024 Climate Change Investment Fund (CCIF) allocations.


The purpose of Memorandum No. PD-2024-007 is to provide Council with an update regarding Bill 185 – Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024.


Councillor C. Somerville, Chair

Vet Reports to be considered at General Committee

Presentation to General Committee regarding the Audit Findings Report related to the 2023 Financial Statements.

(Refer to Item 9.2.d - Report CS-2024-017)

All Reports and Memorandums considered in General Committee will receive final disposition at the next Council meeting. Reports and Memorandums requiring immediate disposition at this meeting will be considered an immediate Action Item and will be identified with an (IA) beside the title.

Reports will be automatically held if there is a presentation or delegation on the matter.  

OFFICE OF THE CAO REPORT NO. ADMIN-2024-012 dated June 24, 2024 regarding Amendments to Schedule “D” of By-law 2022-0002 - AMPS.

OFFICE OF THE CAO REPORT NO. ADMIN-2024-013 dated June 25, 2024 regarding Request from the Property Owner of 98 Delrex Boulevard for a variance to the Fence By-law 2002-0060, as amended at 98 Delrex Boulevard, (Georgetown) Town of Halton Hills.

CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT NO. CS-2024-010 dated July 8, 2024 regarding Capital Budget Status as at December 31, 2023 and Closed Capital Projects.

CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT NO. CS-2024-017 dated July 8, 2024 regarding 2023 Annual Financial Statements, Management Discussion and Analysis and Financial Information Return.

CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT NO. CS-2024-018 dated July 8, 2024 regarding Distribution and Funding – 2023 Final Operating Budget Position.

TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS REPORT NO. TPW-2024-009 dated June 19, 2024 regarding Mobility Master Plan Draft Terms of Reference.

TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS REPORT NO. TPW-2024-011 dated June 19, 2024 regarding Award of Tender – Pavement Markings Program.

(Council to reconvene into Closed Session if required)

For those attending the Statutory Public Meetings via Zoom please use the following link:

Phone: (647) 374 4685 

Webinar ID: 867 8822 7188

PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT NO. PD-2024-050 dated June 21, 2024 regarding 12 Armstrong Avenue - Statutory Public Meeting Report.

A By-law to amend Schedule “D” of By-law 2022-0002 being a by-law to establish a System of Administrative Penalties.

A By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute documents issued by Metrolinx to the Town under the Expropriation Act.

A By-law to amend By-law No. 2023-0094, being a by-law to regulate traffic and parking on highways under the jurisdiction of the Town of Halton Hills.

A By-law to designate the Chisholm House, located at 9094 Regional Road 25, under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act as being of cultural heritage value or interest.

A By-law to designate the Currie Farmhouse, located at 9156 Trafalgar Road, under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act as being of cultural heritage value or interest.

A By-law to designate Norval Presbyterian Church, located at 499 Guelph Street, Norval, under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act as being of cultural heritage value or interest.

A By-law to adopt the proceedings of the Council Meeting held on the 8th day of July, 2024 and to authorize its execution.

No Item Selected