ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEEAGENDAMeeting #:Date:Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 6:30 P.m. - 8:30 P.m.Location:VIA ZOOMMembers:Councillor M. Albano, Chair, Councillor D. Keene, J. Bray, L. McKenzie, J. Pearce, W. Farrow-Reed, and S. Calvert 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY/CONFLICT OF INTEREST 3.RECEIPT OF PREVIOUS MINUTES a.Minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting held on February 28, 2024. 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Accessibility Advisory Committee_Feb28_2024 - English.pdf4.SCHEDULED ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION a.Update - John Elliott Theatre 1.John Elliott Theatre Follow-up.pdfb.Update - All Gender Accessible Washrooms at the Gellert 1.All Gender Accessibility Washroom Gellert - Photos.pdfc.Update - Lead Pedestrian Signal Timing - Mountainview Road North and Dominion Gardens Drive d.Request for Funding - Hearing Loops at the John Elliott Theatre 1.Hearing loop expansion funding request.pdf5.ITEMS TO BE SCHEDULED FOR NEXT MEETING 6.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Accessibility Advisory Committee_Feb28_2024 - English.pdf1.Hearing loop expansion funding request.pdf1.John Elliott Theatre Follow-up.pdf1.All Gender Accessibility Washroom Gellert - Photos.pdf